What does Renegade Trade Company do?

We write stories together.

THE COMPANYWe all have bills to pay. Most folk want to enjoy the finer things in life, or maybe help out those what need it. But sadly, that requires money. Mighty good thing that's what we do. We make gil to feed our ambitions and yours.In the words of our Executive Liaison, "Let the bleeding hearts of Eorzea save the world, we're here to do business." If that's something that doesn't appeal to you, that’s okay! There are nearly countless free companies in this game, and you owe it to yourself to find one that suits you.Still here? Excellent, now let’s talk business.OUR HISTORY
Renegade Trade Co is built upon the foundation of it's predecessor company, to create a place the disenfranchised could call home. Driven to prevent folk from becoming fodder or feed by oppressors, the hope was to provide fertile soil where anyone with ambition could become masters of their destiny.
It was a good idea. It was ambitious.It also didn't work, and nearly bankrupt the company. Expenses were high, earnings were low. In hindsight, it should not have been a surprise that morale was as flatlined as profits. Leaking gil like a sieve, ruffians, debtors and rivals gathered like sharks tasting blood in the water, looking to get what they could from a company in such a state. Those unseemly folk with lust for power, didn't take to kindly to the Renegades not simply laying down to die. That's what brings us to...OUR PRESENT
New name; same troubles. The old company was restructured into Renegade Trade Co, with a reforged focus on actually working and making gil to clear the debts and secure not only our home, but our future. It is that simple. But let’s be honest, when is anything in life ever that simple?
The story we are starting with is just a foundation, a starting point, and platform that empowers us to focus our RP on coherent story arcs around a common theme. That said, Renegade Trade Co will not be limited to “just trade rp”. There will be action, adventure, intrigue, humor, hard decisions and sometimes dark themes played out. Our focus is not on a gimmick or a hook to snare fellow players into joining us. The premise of who we endeavor to be is providing a place for you to participate in rich, story driven rp and tell your character’s story. Common RP themes will center around trade, political intrigue, airship/adventure, horror, socializing together and with others, combat, healing, and so much more, because we don’t live in RP boxes despite a central theme.If that resonates with you, we’d love to have you join us. We are always looking for likeminded, story driven RPers. Shoot a message to anyone with our tag and we’ll get you started down the path of becoming a Renegade.